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Why should I join a LifeGroup?

One of the ways we encourage each other at NewLife is through our LifeGroups. These groups are typically attended by 8-15 people who want to experience Christ-centered community in a small group setting. Although they meet at various times and locations throughout the week, all LifeGroups share a common purpose – to study, share, and serve together. We study the Bible together through application and discussion of the past Sunday’s message, share physical and spiritual needs with one another, and periodically serve the needs of our church and local communities together.

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Interested in starting your own LifeGroup?

Our Discipleship Pastor, Eric, would love to talk to you if you are interested in starting your own LifeGroup! He will go over the expectations of a LifeGroup Leader and what you will need to get started. If that is something you have prayed about and would be interested in doing, send him an email!

"We're Better Together"

They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer...every day they continued to meet together...they broke bread in their homes and together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.    
Acts 2:42-47
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